Class Information
Every week Indepen-dance runs creative movement classes for people with disabilities and their carers. The classes are conducted in a safe and appropriate environment and are designed to be fun, creative and accessible to all with a focus on improvisation and moving together. These classes are for members only. If you are interested in becoming a member, get in touch with our administrative team at Additionally, you can view our Member Handbook here, which includes some key information on what to expect and how you can improve your experience at our classes.
To find out more about our classes, select a category below for more information or click view our current timetable.

Adult Classes
Indepen-dance offers general weekly creative movement classes for disabled adults and their support workers and families. The weekly classes are designed to be fun and create an environment where people can share in a creative experience through music and dance. For 18 years+

Adult Performance
These classes are invitation only and for participants who have demonstrated commitment and talent. The company has weekly sessions focusing on technique and creative tasks. They have worked with choreographers including Wolfgang Stange, Natasha Gilmour and Jeanefer Jean Charles.

Adult Social
Indepen-dance’s adult evening class will not only get you moving together with friends and peers but will also give you the chance to socialise with your fellow dancers afterwards. For 18years+

Young 1’z
Young 1’z is a class for young people aged 16 – 25 who have been invited to participate based on their talent and commitment. They also undertake public performances and in the last year this has included YDance’s Destinations, Go Dance and many more. Invitation only for 16-25 year olds

Children & Youth Classes
These creative weekly dance sessions adopt a person-centred approach to dance, using music and props. The dancers will work individually, in small groups or as a whole to explore many aspects of dance. The emphasis will be on sharing and having fun! Classes ranging from 5-18 year olds

Specialised & Outreach
We run a variety of specialised classes based in Glasgow for specific age ranges and abilities throughout the week. These classes run at different locations and throughout the year.
Our outreach classes are outside Glasgow for children, youths and families running in terms.

Hybrid Classes
With the transition back to in-person classes, we are now running sessions where our online and in-person members can join together and be in the same session. Our online members can join us on zoom and be on the screen as our tutors take the class in a studio with our in-person members.

Online Classes
Our online classes are free for anyone to join! We run our online classes 5 days a week via the platform zoom, and have classes for adults and children. Alongside our regular dance classes, we have a yoga and coffee morning class on offer too. To join, please contact